A farm in Monroe turns waste into electricity. A new partnership will double the anaerobic digester’s output.
The Snohomish County Council voted to nix an annual fee increase that funds preservation work.
Despite local resistance, the Middle May tract next to Wallace Falls State Park was sold Monday.
Sea level rise is factored into the design of the new ferry terminal and a marine research center.
Big and little changes are in the works along the north Everett shore, though they are easy to overlook.
A new moratorium halts the subdivision of land that has more than eight trees per 10,000 square feet.
The dumping impacted almost three acres of wetlands and over 2,000 linear feet of streams.
One more is slated for removal. Meanwhile, a new report evaluates the river’s 15,000 old wood pilings.
The river is 5.4 degrees above its historic temperature, says the State Department of Ecology.
Restoring destroyed salmon habitat is the key to regaining Southern Resident killer whale numbers.
State climatologist says the declining snowpack threatens water supplies as population grows.
Local environmental groups are forming, growing and attracting new members, young and old.
Tulalip Tribes biologists are relocating nuisance beavers to forest areas where they can thrive.
A huge concentration of stream crossings essential to baby chinook salmon are in Snohomish County.
For almost four decades, scientist Mauri Pelto has journeyed to measure the melting Columbia Glacier.